WebTest @ JUG Cologne slides

Here are the slides of the presentation I’ve made yesterday:

W-JAX talk accepted: “Grails Plug-ins verwenden und selbst entwickeln”

My proposal for the W-JAX conference has been accepted: “Grails Plug-ins verwenden und selbst entwickeln” (something like “using and developing Grails plugins”). It was funny because I received the confirmation from the organizers one day after a friend told me that he had seen it on the conference’s web site (it was for a few weeks).

My original idea was to present ALL the plugins available on Grails’ plugin page. It would already have been difficult at the time I’ve submitted my proposal as ~60 plugins were available. Today, I’ve counted again: 90 plugins! I’ll have to make some hard choices and won’t definitely have time to present all.

WebTest @ JUG Cologne, 25.08.2008

I’ll give a presentation about efficient web test automation with WebTest at JUG Cologne on 25.08.2008. Thanks Michael for inviting me, it’s an honour to appear in the list of great speakers of my “home JUG”.

There is no time limitation (according to Michael) therefore I plan to show different new demos of existing features as well as of future ones that should trouble / motivate / question the attendees.

There will be a Lightning Talk on Selenium by Simon Tiffert before my presentation. I think that this will be quite interesting as well because Simon has far more experience with Selenium than nearly all persons blogging about this tool.